Solicitation for Papers
Papers and presentations are sought in all areas that relate to biomolecular computing, including, but not restricted to: algorithms and models for computation on biomolecular systems; computational processes in vitro and in vivo; molecular switches, gates, devices, and circuits; molecular folding and self-assembly of nanostructures; analysis and theoretical models of laboratory techniques; molecular motors and molecular robotics; information storage; studies of fault-tolerance and error correction; software tools for analysis, simulation, and design; synthetic biology and in vitro evolution; applications in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine.
Important Dates:
Full paper (track A) and abstract (track B) submission | April 3, 2019 |
Notification of paper acceptance | May 24, 2019 |
Poster (track C) submission | June 9, 2019 |
Revised track A manuscripts | June 21, 2019 |
Notification of poster acceptance | June 21, 2019 |
Early bird registration deadline | June 30, 2019 |
Conference | August 5-9, 2019 |
Instructions for Authors:
Electronic Submissions: All papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically following the instructions and link at the conference web page. Papers must be submitted in PDF format.
I. Submissions to be considered for oral presentations (Tracks A and B)
Authors submitting a paper and/or proposal for a presentation may choose between two submission tracks. Submissions for oral presentations can be submitted to one of the two tracks (A) or (B).
Track A - Full Paper
For authors who want their full papers to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) conference proceedings. Submissions (a single .pdf file) should conform to the following guidelines:
- The paper is formatted in LaTeX using the LNCS style. Please follow the formatting instructions at: Papers not formatted using the LNCS style may be rejected without review.
- The main contents of the paper, including title, abstract, and references, should appear in the first 16 pages of the pdf. (Warning: this is 16 pages in LNCS format, which tends to allow less text per page than other formats.) An optional technical appendix is permitted if the authors deem it necessary to back up the claims made in the first 16 pages. However, it is at the discretion of the PC whether to read beyond the first 16 pages as part of the review process.
- Each paper contains an abstract that briefly describes the primary results and their importance.
- Selected papers will be published in the proceedings, available at the conference and as part of the LNCS series. Submissions to Track A may not be previously published or simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal for publication.
Track B – One-page abstract with accompanied material
Primarily for authors submitting experimental results who plan to submit to a journal rather than publish in the conference proceedings. (Abstracts for work recently submitted to or published in a journal will also be considered.) To be considered for oral presentation, submissions should conform to the following guidelines.
- A one-page abstract: The total length of the abstract should not exceed 1 page (11 point type, single spaced, 1 inch margins). The abstract describes the primary results and their importance.
- Supporting documentation: In addition to the one-page abstract, authors must also submit a preliminary manuscript, a thesis chapter, or some other form of supporting documentation that can be used by the program committee to evaluate the merit of the work for oral presentation. Only the one-page abstract will appear in the supplementary proceedings at the conference. Track B papers unaccompanied by adequate documentation will be rejected without review. Authors lacking substantial supporting documentation are encouraged instead to submit a one-page abstract to
II. Poster submissions (Track C)
For authors interested in presenting their work only in the poster session, the abstract submission will be through the conference website. All poster submissions should conform to the following guidelines:
- The total length of the abstract should not exceed 1 page (11 point type, single spaced, 1 inch margins).
- The one-page abstract should describe the primary results and their importance.
- At the discretion of the PC, a small number of high-quality posters may be selected for short (10 minute) presentations at the conference. For consideration, optional supporting documentation is strongly encouraged to be submitted in addition to the one-page abstract.
If you have any questions, please contact the PC chair at